pub unsafe trait HasSchema: Sync + Send + 'static {
    // Required method
    fn schema() -> &'static Schema;

    // Provided methods
    fn register_schema() { ... }
    fn cast<T>(this: &Self) -> &T
       where T: HasSchema { ... }
    fn try_cast<T>(this: &Self) -> Result<&T, SchemaMismatchError>
       where T: HasSchema { ... }
    fn cast_mut<T>(this: &mut Self) -> &mut T
       where T: HasSchema { ... }
    fn try_cast_mut<T>(this: &mut Self) -> Result<&mut T, SchemaMismatchError>
       where T: HasSchema { ... }
    fn as_schema_ref(&self) -> SchemaRef<'_>
       where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn as_schema_mut(&mut self) -> SchemaRefMut<'_>
       where Self: Sized { ... }
Expand description

Trait implemented for types that have a [Schema].


This trait is unsafe to implement manually because it makes claims about the memory layout of a type that may be depended on in unsafe code, but it is safe to derive HasSchema on supported types.

If implemented manually, you must ensure that the schema accurately describes the memory layout of the type, or else accessing the type according to the schema would be unsound.

Required Methods§

fn schema() -> &'static Schema

Get this type’s [Schema].

Provided Methods§

fn register_schema()

Register this schema with the global schema registry.

This is automatically done by the framework in many cases, whenever schema() is called, but it may be necessary sometimes to manually register it.

fn cast<T>(this: &Self) -> &T
where T: HasSchema,

Cast a reference of this type to a reference of another type with the same memory layout.


Panics if the schema of T doesn’t match the schema of Self.

fn try_cast<T>(this: &Self) -> Result<&T, SchemaMismatchError>
where T: HasSchema,

Cast a reference of this type to a reference of another type with the same memory layout.


Errors if the schema of T doesn’t match the schema of Self.

fn cast_mut<T>(this: &mut Self) -> &mut T
where T: HasSchema,

Cast a mutable reference of this type to a reference of another type with the same memory layout.


Panics if the schema of T doesn’t match the schema of Self.

fn try_cast_mut<T>(this: &mut Self) -> Result<&mut T, SchemaMismatchError>
where T: HasSchema,

Cast a mutable reference of this type to a reference of another type with the same memory layout.


Errors if the schema of T doesn’t match the schema of Self.

fn as_schema_ref(&self) -> SchemaRef<'_>
where Self: Sized,

Converts a reference of T to a SchemaRef

fn as_schema_mut(&mut self) -> SchemaRefMut<'_>
where Self: Sized,

Converts a reference of T to a SchemaRefMut

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl HasSchema for bool


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for f32


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for f64


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for i8


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for i16


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for i32


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for i64


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for i128


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for isize


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for u8


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for u16


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for u32


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for u64


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for u128


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for ()


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for usize


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for Duration


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for BVec2


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for BVec3


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for BVec4


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for Quat


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for Vec4


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for Vec2


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for Vec3


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for DVec2


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for DVec3


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for DVec4


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for IVec2


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for IVec3


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for IVec4


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for UVec2


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for UVec3


fn schema() -> &'static Schema


impl HasSchema for UVec4


fn schema() -> &'static Schema
