Module bones_lib::ecs::prelude

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The prelude.


  • Simple reflection system based on the #[repr(C)] memory layout.


  • Shorthand for combining bitsets with bit_or.
  • Shorthand for setting bits on the bitset container.
  • Implements the BitSet trait members for your type through DerefMut.
  • Creates a SmallVec containing the arguments.
  • Creates an inline SmallVec containing the arguments. This macro is enabled by the feature const_new.




  • A fast, non-cryptographic, thread-local random number generator powered by turborand.



  • Types that can be used as the backing store for a SmallVec.
  • The BitSet API.
  • This trait factors out functions for iterating with bitset over component store. Separated from impl ComponentStore for usage in generic trait types that must be able to create ComponentBitsetIterator and related types.
  • Trait for enabling creating new TurboCore instances from an original instance. Similar to cloning, except forking modifies the state of the original instance in order to provide a new, random state for the forked instance. This allows for creating many randomised instances from a single seed in a deterministic manner.
  • Trait implemented for types that can produce an instance of themselves from a Rust type.
  • Creates an instance of the type this trait is implemented for using data from the supplied World.
  • This trait provides the means to easily generate all integer types, provided the main method underpinning this is implemented: GenCore::gen. Once implemented, the rest of the trait provides default implementations for generating all integer types, though it is not recommended to override these.
  • Trait implemented for types that have a [Schema].
  • Converts a function into a System.
  • A type representing a component-joining entity query.
  • A marker trait to be applied to anything that implements TurboCore in order to indicate that a PRNG source is cryptographically secure, so being a CSPRNG.
  • Trait for implementing Seedable PRNGs, requiring that the PRNG implements TurboCore as a baseline. Seeds must be Sized in order to be used as the internal state of a PRNG.
  • Trait for things that may be used to identify a system stage.
  • Trait implemented by systems.
  • Trait used to implement parameters for System functions.
  • Trait for system stages. A stage is a
  • Convenience trait for constructing a SmallVec
  • Base trait for implementing a PRNG. Only one method must be implemented: TurboCore::fill_bytes, which provides the basis for any PRNG, to fill a buffer of bytes with random data.
  • Extension trait for automatically implementing all TurboRand methods, as long as the struct implements TurboCore & GenCore. All methods are provided as default implementations that build on top of TurboCore and GenCore, and thus are not recommended to be overridden, lest you potentially change the expected outcome of the methods.
  • Extension trait for Ulid.
  • Helper trait for unwraping each item in an array.


  • Helper func to construct a OptionalQueryItem wrapping a Comp SystemParam. Used to iterate over enities optionally retrieving components from ComponentStore. Entities iterated over will not be filtered by this QueryItem.
  • Helper func to construct a OptionalQueryItemMut wrapping a CompMut SystemParam. Used to iterate over enities optionally and mutably retrieving components from ComponentStore. Entities iterated over will not be filtered by this QueryItem.
  • Creates a bitset big enough to contain the index of each entity. Mostly used to create caches.
  • An ergonomic abbreviation for Default::default() to make initializing structs easier. This is especially helpful when combined with “struct update syntax”.
  • Shortens a type name to remove all module paths.
  • Hints to the compiler that the branch condition is likely to be true. Returns the value passed to it.
  • Hints to the compiler that the branch condition is unlikely to be true. Returns the value passed to it.
  • Create a new Ustr from the given &str.

Type Aliases§

Derive Macros§