Crate demo_features
source ยทStructsยง
- AtlasDemoMeta ๐Atlas information.
- GameMeta ๐Create our root asset type.
- MenuData ๐Resource containing data that we will access from our menu lua script.
- PersistedTextData ๐Struct containing data that will be persisted with the storage API.
- TileMeta ๐Tile info.
- TilemapDemoMeta ๐Tilemap info.
- atlas_demo_plugin ๐Plugin for running the atlas demo.
- atlas_demo_startup ๐System to startup the atlas demo.
- audio_demo_plugin ๐
- audio_demo_ui ๐
- back_to_menu_ui ๐Simple UI system that shows a button at the bottom of the screen to delete the current session and go back to the main menu.
- demo_widget ๐This is an example widget system.
- main ๐
- Menu plugin
- menu_startup ๐Setup the main menu.
- menu_system ๐Our main menu system.
- move_sprite ๐
- path2d_demo_plugin ๐
- path2d_demo_startup ๐
- sprite_demo_plugin ๐Plugin for running the sprite demo.
- sprite_demo_startup ๐System that spawns the sprite demo.
- storage_demo_plugin ๐
- storage_demo_ui ๐
- tilemap_demo_plugin ๐Plugin for running the tilemap demo.
- System for starting up the tilemap demo.