
Items are placed in levels and can be interacted with by players.

SwordswordStandard melee weapon.
MusketmusketFires up to three bullets, normal recoil, normal bullet speed.
Sniper RiflesniperFires up to two bullets, high recoil, high bullet speed.
Machine Gunmachine_gunFires many bullets, low recoil, normal bullet speed.
CannoncannonFires up to three bombs, normal recoil.
Turtle Shellturtle_shellBlocks two attacks from behind, then breaks.
GrenadesgrenadesThrows up to three bombs that explode after short duration or on impact.
MinesminesPlace up to three mines that explode on contact.
Kick-BombkickbombExplodes a set period of time after being thrown. Can be kicked by players.
BlunderbussblunderbussFires up to two spread shots, each containing five bullets.
BlunderbassblunderbassA blunderbuss that ate the Fish-Fish fruit.