
Fish Fight aims to be a highly contributor-friendly game. If you haven't already, please take some time to read the community guidelines.

Development Tracks

Our Tracks are ongoing projects with one or more leads. Some are permanent (e.g. Items or Editor) while others are temporary (e.g. Special Tiles or Physics). These are the recommended jumping-on points for new contributors.

Fields of contribution

Games are a synthesis of many different talents. Like most games, we're starting out code-heavy as we're building out the core functionality. Thanks to our deep focus on modding however, over time we expect contributions like level editing or pixel remixing to be even more plentiful and diverse than the field of coding.

Code 💻

If you're interested in making a change that will involve hacking on the game's source code, we have a quick reference on how to get started at Contributing Code!


Pixels 🎨

There are three primary types of art assets in Fish Fight:

  • Items
  • Tiles & Objects
  • Characters

Soon to be a proper book page:

Any of our items labeled art-needed are missing an art asset.

Audio 🎶


Right now the easiest way in is to create new SFX for an item.

Prior art in

Music compositions

Prior art in

Game Design 👾


See the Items track.


With the v1 completion of our upcoming Level Editor, it will be possible to create new levels from within the game itself.