use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse2, punctuated::Punctuated, Fields, GenericParam, Index, ItemStruct, Token};
macro_rules! err {
($target:expr, $message:expr) => {
return Err(::syn::Error::new(
pub fn generate_system_param_impl(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
match _generate_system_param_impl(input) {
Ok(output) => output,
Err(err) => err.to_compile_error(),
fn _generate_system_param_impl(input: TokenStream) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let item_struct: ItemStruct = parse2(input)?;
let Some(GenericParam::Lifetime(lifetime)) =
else {
"struct must have a single generic lifetime parameter"
let ident = &item_struct.ident;
let fields = match &item_struct.fields {
Fields::Unit => err!(item_struct, "unit structs are not supported"),
Fields::Unnamed(_) => err!(item_struct, "structs with unnamed fields are not supported"),
Fields::Named(fields) => fields,
let state_types: Punctuated<TokenStream, Token![,]> =
Punctuated::from_iter(fields.named.iter().map(|field| {
let ty = &field.ty;
quote! { <#ty as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::State }
let get_state_items: Punctuated<TokenStream, Token![,]> =
Punctuated::from_iter(fields.named.iter().map(|field| {
let ty = &field.ty;
quote! { <#ty as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::get_state(world) }
let borrow_param_fields: Punctuated<TokenStream, Token![,]> = fields
.map(|(index, field)| {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ty = &field.ty;
let index = Index {
index: index as u32,
span: Span::call_site(),
quote! {
#ident: <#ty as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::borrow(world, &mut state.#index)
Ok(quote! {
impl<#lifetime> ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam for #ident<#lifetime> {
type State = ( #state_types );
type Param<'p> = #ident<'p>;
fn get_state(world: &::bones_ecs::prelude::World) -> Self::State {
( #get_state_items )
fn borrow<'s>(
world: &'s ::bones_ecs::prelude::World,
state: &'s mut Self::State,
) -> Self::Param<'s> {
Self::Param { #borrow_param_fields }
fn get_single_punctuated<T, P>(punctuated: &Punctuated<T, P>) -> Option<&T> {
match punctuated.first() {
single @ Some(_) if punctuated.len() == 1 => single,
_ => None,
mod tests {
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use quote::quote;
use super::*;
fn assert_tokens_eq(expected: TokenStream, actual: TokenStream) {
let expected = expected.to_string();
let actual = actual.to_string();
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn correct_system_param_impl() {
let expected = quote! {
impl<'a> ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam for MySystemParam<'a> {
type State = (
<Commands<'a> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::State,
<ResMut<'a, Entities> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::State
type Param<'p> = MySystemParam<'p>;
fn get_state(world: &::bones_ecs::prelude::World) -> Self::State {
<Commands<'a> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::get_state(world),
<ResMut<'a, Entities> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::get_state(world)
fn borrow<'s>(
world: &'s ::bones_ecs::prelude::World,
state: &'s mut Self::State,
) -> Self::Param<'s> {
Self::Param {
commands: <Commands<'a> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::borrow(world, &mut state.0),
entities: <ResMut<'a, Entities> as ::bones_ecs::prelude::SystemParam>::borrow(world, &mut state.1)
let input = quote! {
struct MySystemParam<'a> {
commands: Commands<'a>,
entities: ResMut<'a, Entities>,
let actual = generate_system_param_impl(input);
assert_tokens_eq(expected, actual);